Weight loss tips

Notice: The following Tips for losing weight are formulated across the board and suit every single person, including you. This fact means that the tips are of course rather superficial and therefore not particularly useful individually or are formulated in depth. If you would like individual assistance tailored to you, just write to me about it contact form or book directly Coaching :)

Tip #1

You can't arrive if you don't know where you want to go.

Become aware of what you want to achieve. Your goal should
always be as big as possible, so that you almost get goosebumps,
when you think about it. It is also helpful to have additional small ones
Setting milestones that are tangible.

Tip #2

Expectations that are not met are disappointing.

Don't expect too much from yourself just because you'd like to reach your destination tomorrow
would be. If you want to achieve great things, you have to have patience and composure.
Realistic expectations would be, for example: losing 10 kilos in 3 months or 5
Lose pounds in 6 weeks.

Tip #3

Stop the extreme measures!

If you eat little for two weeks, it's not that tragic
On the contrary, it can also be beneficial. However, if you go extreme and
For example, if you completely avoid nutrients such as fat or carbohydrates, you will
Your body will take revenge sooner or later - in other words, the yo-yo effect will catch up with you.
Go out for something to eat with friends sometimes and don't limit yourself too much

Tip #4

Anyone who makes their mood dependent on the scales practically already has itlost.

Be aware that the scale ultimately only shows numbers. Even the
So-called “accurate” scales with body fat measurement etc. are not
really precise. Your body may experience various...
Factors 1 liter more water stores under the skin, but you due to
You have already lost 500g of body fat after your calorie deficit. The
Of course the scales show 500g ;)

Tip #5

If the body doesn't get enough fluids, it stores even more water
under the skin, making you look spongy.

And that's just one of the countless reasons why we always have enough
Should consume water. Approximately 1 liter per 25 kilos of body weight should be used
sufficient. If you have any problems, please feel free to go to
Use unsweetened teas or calorie-free light drinks. That is
still better than drinking too little.

Tip #6

Add as many vegetables as possible to your meals.

Many vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, peppers etc. have on the
In terms of quantity, there are very few calories, which is why you can eat a lot of it,
without it having a direct negative impact. Vegetables add flavor to your meal
a large volume, which is very important in terms of saturation.

Tip #7

If possible, avoid the things you can't get enough of.

Most often these are things like chocolate, chips or gummy bears. If you
If you don't want to leave them out completely, at least reduce them to a minimum
and set clear boundaries for yourself. And above all: never eat them as the only thing
Food, but if then, as a starter to a meal. If we
Eating them as dessert stimulates our appetite again.

Tip #8

If you are active and move around a lot, you will increase your calorie expenditure
can therefore tolerate more food.

Incorporate as much exercise as possible into your everyday life. Sport is here
Perfect, of course, but that doesn't necessarily have to be the case. It starts with
Little things like climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator, etc
to park the car a little further away. Walks, for example, are also possible
extremely effective. Small animals make messes too!

Tip #9

Those who structure their everyday life are clearer in their heads and also a lotmore powerful.

Always make a plan in your head of the activities the evening before,
that you want to do the next day. Also when it comes to eating: sit down
fixed meals for specific periods of time. For example: 6-8am
Breakfast / 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Lunch / 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. small snack / 6 p.m. - 8 p.m

Tip #10

Eating in between will be your downfall!

This ties directly into tip #9. Once you have set yourself a structure,
stick to them and be a bit radical by really
doesn't eat anything in between. That doesn't mean you can't restructure
You can, but it should always be largely planned by you.

Tip #11

Please start implementing it! Get active!

All of these tips are nice and good, but they are worthless if you don't use them
implemented. For my sake, write or get to-do lists for every day
Support from a coach – no matter how, the main thing is that you get into it
Tips aren't enough for you? Then book me as your personal coach or let me create a completely individual plan for you!
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